
I can be so awkward when it comes to an introduction. To start off, I am a first generation Chinese immigrant and the first to finish higher education in the family. After college, I started helping out at my family company doing website content management and recently started my own business. This venture has freed up a significant amount of my time.

Since my first international trip to Hong Kong at age 16, I’ve been addicted to exploring. Being raised in the United States, I didn’t get to taste the yum yum and authentic Chinese cuisine I hear about all the time from families. When the opportunity came, I ate to my heart’s content in Hong Kong, the food heaven of Asia.

That experience leads to more travel plans throughout my 20s. One particular destination was a small island called Redang in Malaysia. It was my first time visiting an island with a long stretch of beach and pristine water. I wouldn’t be happier just sitting in my hammock looking out to the ocean, but that didn’t sit well with my sister. She forced me into doing a snorkeling excursion with her. I wouldn’t be more frightful at the time because of my lack of swimming skills. Much to my delight, I enjoyed snorkeling so much I almost forgot I can’t swim. Needless to say by the end of the trip, I came to love the ocean more than I could ever imagine.